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Power-Up Resources Sdn Bhd
21, Jalan Desa Serdang 3,
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Elprom ( Italy ) flameproof motors
Elprom Exd, Elprom Exde
Exd, Exde
T3, T5
Single phase / Three phase
Ex Elprom motors are manufactured in compliance with all the European standards concerning equipment and protective systems for potentially
Elprom Exd, Elprom Exde
Exd, Exde
T3, T5
Single phase / Three phase
Ex Elprom motors are manufactured in compliance with all the European standards concerning equipment and protective systems for potentially
explosive atmosphere in compliance w ith the European Directive ATEX 94/9/CE (better known as ATEX).
Here below in the table we show you the range of motors for each type of protection.
In the follow ing pages we w ill talk about testing and certificates, main features of these motors and possible options always depending on the type of protection.
Testing and certificates
Motors for hazardous areas have to be officially approved by a recognized test organization, authorized to issue test certificates, to ensure
compliance w ith standards for this type of equipment.
Motors are defined and classified according to the categories and protection type which are defined in the corresponding standards.
Depending on the nature of the atmosphere, it is responsibility of the user to determine which group and which maximum surface temperature
should be specified for the motor installation.
The Ex motors manufactured by Elprom are manufactured in compliance w ith all the European standards concerning equipments and protective
systems for explosive atmosphere as requested by the European Directive 94/9/CE (better know n as ATEX Directive).
The motors have been tested by a Notified Laboratory which released:
· EC Type Certificate
· Product Quality assurance Notification
It means that all the Ex motors are manufactured in compliance w ith the technical drawings and documents approved by the Notified Body after
testing the motors (performing type test as written in the EN standards) and the production of such motors follows all the procedures requested
by the Directive.
Every year the Production of Ex motors is evaluated by a Notified Body in order to verify that all the procedures are constantly respected.
Each motor or batch of motors w ill be despatched together with the follow ing documents:
· EC Declaration of Conformity
· Installation manual and safety instructions where are written all the indication regarding the installations of the motors and the
important instructions regarding the type/s of protection of the motors.
Main features
ELPROM Ex electric motors are manufactured and tested in compliance w ith all the EN/IEC standards and also in campiance w ith the main
European Directives. First of all the directive 94/9/EC (ATEX as already explained), 2004/108/EC (EMC Electro Magnetic Compatibility),
2006/42/EC (Machinery Directive), 2002/95/EC (RoHS).
ATEX characteristics:
· Suitable for Surface plants different from mines (Group II)
· Presence of Gas: Zone 1 and Zone 2
· Type of protection ‘Ex d’ or ‘Ex de’
· Gas group IIC, IIB and IIA
· Temperature class T3, T4 E T5 (suitable also for T2, T1)
· Ambient temperature range -40°C +60°C for temper ature class T3
-40°C +60°C for temperature class T4
-40°C +40°C for temperature class T5
· Presence of DUST: Zone 21 and Zone 22
· Type of protection Ex tD A21 IP66 (IP65 for Ex de)
· Surface Temperature T125°C
· Ambient temperature range -40°C +50°C
All the motors are asynchronous with squirrel cage rotor, wound stator, closed and externally ventilated in compliance w ith EN 60034-6 (IC 411).
The supply voltages allow ed can exceed the nominal value of ±5%.
All the electrical and mechanical features and the testing methods comply w ith the standard EN 60034-1.
The power ratings and the dimensions of the motors comply w ith EN 50347 and IEC 60072-1, the mounting arrangements B3, B5, B14
comply w ith EN 60034-7.
All the geometrical dimensions are unified according to the tables UNEL 13113-71; 13117-71; 13118- 7; IEC 60072-1.
The IP degrees of protection of the motors comply with EN 60034-5 and EN 60259.
Insulation class. All the motors have an insulation class F in compliance w ith EN 60034-1. Insulation class H on request.
The bearings are high-quality single raw deep grooves ball bearings, preloaded by a wave spring.
Duty. The motors are normally made for S1 duty; otherw ise intermittent duties can be provided on request after performing the heating tests.
Single-phase motors: Capacitor placed in a safe Ex d cylindrical box fitted to the motor.
Made using enamelled copper wires are insulated w ith two layers (insulation class H). They are painted w ith another layer of varnish and after
this placed in an oven for the drying process.
It is also possible to tropicalize the windings using special additional varnish with high hygroscopic characteristics so to be used in places w ith
an humidity >60% (see options)
Die-cast aluminium squirrel cage or aluminium alloy (Al-Si Silumin).
The shafts of the motors and the keys-shaft comply IEC 60072-1. Special shaft are made on request (see options).
Frame (in compliance w ith EN 50347)
Die-cast aluminium w ith high mechanical strength, with a good thermal conductivity and light weight.
The feet can be mounted on the motor frame in 3 different positions, in the bottom or on right and left side.
Terminal box
The terminal box in case of motor B3, is normally on the top of the motor. As the feet are removable also on the sides of the frame it is possible
to have the terminal box on both sides of the motor too.
Flanges and shields (in compliance w ith EN 503471)
Die-cast aluminium, w ith dimensions as per standard IEC 60072-1, or w ith special shapes on request:
The motor is completely modular so that the flanges can be mounted or removed depending on the needs w ithout affecting the Ex type of
protection (as the flange are mounted on the front shield).
Ventilation (in compliance with EN 60034-6)
Self-ventilated motors IC 411. Depending on the type of protection the fan can be in plastic or in aluminium.
Ex d, Ex de Plastic fan
Ex tD A21 Antistatic plastic or aluminium fan
Fan cover
Zinc-plated steel sheet.
Noise (in compliance w ith EN 60034-9)
3.4 Main Options
Axially locked shaft
Motors w ith a locked bearing on the font shield using an elastic metal ring. This solution is necessary in case of alternative axial stress (ie. Bevel
gear pinion w ith alternative load or motion, frequent start-up under load or with high inertia) so to create axial movement of the shaft and bumps
on the bearings.
Low temperatures motors (-40 °C)
They have to be fitted w ith special bearing, metallic fan, metallic cable gland and plugs or made with special plastic materials.
In these cases, if there is a risk of condensation, it is better to fit the motors w ith “anti-condensation heaters”.
Anti-condensation Heaters
For motors installed in cold and w et places, with significant temperature ranges, moisture condensation can be dangerous for the resistance of
the w inding insulation. Upon request, we can apply appropriate heaters directly on the heads of winding.
The terminals are connected to a terminal board inside the connection box of the motor.
The heaters are available at 110V and 220 V , w ith a tolerance of +/- 10%
Tropicalization of windings
If the motors are installed outdoors or in high humidity areas, the windings may be tropicalized w ith a special varnish with high hygroscopic
characteristics in order to protect the insulation materials by the condensation. This protection avoid the reduction of the insulation properties of
the w indings.
Inverter duty motors
All these motors can be driven by a converter. In this case they must be fitted with thermal protections inside the w indings.
Special voltages and frequencies
The standard three phase motors are produced at the follow ing nominal voltages and frequencies:
230 / 400 V , 50 Hz
The motors can run at a different nominal voltage w ith a tolerance of +/- 5%
On customer request, we can produce motors w ith special voltage and frequency.
Special shafts
On customer request, it is possible to supply motors with special shaft (according to the customer draw ing). It is necessary to send the draw ing
to our Technical Department for a feasibility study.
It is possible to supply motors with shaft of different material from the standard ( C40 ), using Stainless Steel or others, w ith standard or special
Special flanges
Due to the modular flange assembling is possible to have, on request special flanges.
Rain fan cover
For outdoor applications, vertical mounting, DE shaft down ( V5, V1, V18 ) it is suggested to assemble a special cowl with a rain cover. It is
available for all the frame sizes.
Thermistors (PTC Positive Temperature Coefficient)
They must be used in case of motors driven by inverters.
They are fitted inside the windings in number of 3 with a series connection to be connected to an appropriate tripping device that cut off the
motors supply in case the winding reach the thermal probe limit temperature.
On request will be available protectors with different temperature setting in respect of the maximum Temperature class or surface temperature
of the motor.
Thermal cut-off (bimetallic probes)
Motors w ith 1 or 2 thermal protectors w ith normally closed contact in series connection into the winding.
The series of contact shall be connected to an appropriate tripping device that cut off the motors supply in case the winding reaches the thermal
probe limit temperature.
On request will be available protectors with different temperature setting in respect of the maximum Temperature class or surface temperature
of the motor.
It is a device that increase its resistance according with the increasing of the temperature.
It is useful for continuous measuring of the w inding temperature, properly connected to an electronic equipment.
Single-phase motor with balanced winding - BIPHASE
They have normally a starting torque higher than the standard 1-phase and can start easily without using a start capacitor.
Painting (against corrosion)
The Elprom motors have diecasted aluminium components and sandblasted. If it is not requested the motors are supplied unpainted.
On specific request and for batches not less than 30 pcs. , it is possible to have motors with epoxy paint, w ith the customer requested colour.
Other paints with anti salt characteristics are available on request; contact our Technical Department.